Started at id Software on the QuakeLive team. Woohoo!
Shipped 'SceneIt? Lights Camera Action' for Xbox360.
Lots of changes since the last update. Game Programming Gems 6 is out! Make sure to pick up a copy.
Look for the "Faster File Loading with Access-Based File Reordering" article. In April I left
Touchdown Entertainment (aka LithTech Inc.) for The Whole Experience, Inc. I've been busy working on
Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball Max'd for PS2. That just went GOLD yesterday, so I'm pretty happy
about that. (No more crunching til 4am on that freaking thing)
Well, these updates seem to get further and further apart everytime. I intend on changing that. We'll
see how it goes. As usual, I've been very busy with work. If you'd like a preview of what I'm doing
work-wise check out the programming section of this site. There's a .WMV of an example of parallax
mapping and a refraction effect running. This is a small demo of the new HLSL support I've been adding
to the Juptier engine. I hope to post more information soon-ish. (we'll see how that goes)